Title: HELP...Brain Hurts! Post by: FieroBUZZ on September 14, 2003, 11:31:37 am Okay, I read that the 84 4 speed cables are 6" longer than the 86 shift cables. I have a problem with the 3800 as they want to travel thru the crossover exhaust to get to the present bracketry.
Dan has seen the layout and I can take pics if anyone cares to design a fix. If the 84's are a bit longer can I use them and just route them a little higher and put a spacer in the bracket to angle it for a more direct run? Title: Re:HELP...Brain Hurts! Post by: 2ML67 on September 14, 2003, 04:16:19 pm Not quite sure if they will help but I do have an 84 4speed shifter with the cables still attached you are welcome to them. Can bring them up next time I come along with an axle shaft for you. Dan
Title: Re:HELP...Brain Hurts! Post by: aaron88 on September 14, 2003, 04:31:51 pm If Dan’s cables don’t do the trick, and you need something a little more custom I may be able to help. We could make a set of cables from scratch if need be, depends on what your time line is like.
Aaron . Title: Re:HELP...Brain Hurts! Post by: fiero308 on September 14, 2003, 06:59:17 pm hi Gary
you are working on your car!!! I have two sets of cables right now; a set from a 5 spd Beretta (95 I think) and a set from the 91 Lumina Z34 (also 5 spd) A cable is a cable, right? If the end is configured right then they all do the same job. I wonder if one of these might help. I don't know what kind of ends you need or what these have etc you could send pix and I could compare or vice versa. LMK g |