Title: Pics of AKA enjoying his day off! Post by: BootMachine on September 22, 2003, 05:19:09 pm Here ya go!
he he he he he (http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/15674/p/348266_3009772641980054626_vl.jpg) I dont know whats worse.....that massive bunch of grapes being smuggled or the fact that AKA is the one on the left! OOOOOOOOOOO! (nah...its not aka...some dude with the wrong idea) Title: Re:Pics of AKA enjoying his day off! Post by: Sentinel on September 24, 2003, 01:10:13 am I don't know what is worse,
1. Someone designed esentially a nut sling ....or 2. Someone bought one. Geezus, that'll take weeks in thearapy to remove. Title: Re:Pics of AKA enjoying his day off! Post by: WillEV on September 24, 2003, 12:53:58 pm They were regular underwear until he decided to pull them over his shoulders. ;D
Title: Re:Pics of AKA enjoying his day off! Post by: A.K.A on September 24, 2003, 01:01:45 pm BAHAHAHA that's what you call an atomic wedgie