Title: White Fiero's report!!! Post by: Sentinel on August 18, 2002, 03:19:24 am OK had a sick feeling this morning, on my way to help a buddy move I saw a white 2M4 that had been smacked really bad on the Pas side,it was facing the wrong way so it was a bad one, it had the whole lane on Coventry closed and looked pretty bad, I hope it's not one of ours. Multiple Amb and fire trucks there, hope everyone was ok
Title: Re:White Fiero's report!!! Post by: JetJumper on August 19, 2002, 07:42:04 am I was driving yesterday to work in almonte, and I passed a White (84 I think) fiero 2M4 the same as mine! Girl Driving....Dunno where it from though :(
Title: Re:White Fiero's report!!! Post by: FieroDough on August 19, 2002, 10:51:14 am well since we got a reply from Chris we will assume he is still alive and was not involved in that white Fiero incident. I'm woried it may be that elderly couple that hangs out at the Orleans show? Hope they are there this wendnesday! :-[
cheers! Eric Title: Re:White Fiero's report!!! Post by: JetJumper on August 20, 2002, 06:20:17 pm ;DI SAW ANOTHER ONE! 86?(Maybe) White GT, near the carp exit on the 417!
Title: Re:White Fiero's report!!! Post by: fiero1 on August 28, 2002, 07:48:35 am Saw what seems to be an 85 blue GT this morning on St.Joseph in Hull this morning this is the second time i see this guy this summer.........