Title: Hellooo Tyler G/A Brakes Q? Post by: FieroBUZZ on December 16, 2003, 12:53:59 pm I have GA rears now, but want my ebrake back.
How did you find the front conversion. Do they feel 'off' and grab too much? Just looking for reasonable alternatives. Gary Title: Re:Hellooo Tyler G/A Brakes Q? Post by: 2ML67 on December 16, 2003, 01:34:57 pm Now remember Gary brake work does not require removing any or all the body panels. Nor does it require removing any parts of your interior. With that said it is now possibly only slightly safe for you to work on your BRAKES. Hee don't you just hate a smart ass.
Title: Re:Hellooo Tyler G/A Brakes Q? Post by: FieroDough on December 16, 2003, 02:40:43 pm Now remember Gary brake work does not require removing any or all the body panels. Nor does it require removing any parts of your interior. With that said it is now possibly only slightly safe for you to work on your BRAKES. Hee don't you just hate a smart ass. If you were as asmart as your A$$ we would be in trouble. *lol* J/K! :P ask Tyler, he has them. :) I only have the rears. and it's very sweet! cheers! Eric Title: Re:Hellooo Tyler G/A Brakes Q? Post by: dguy on December 16, 2003, 02:51:29 pm Gary this is a curious application of Newton's First Law. A portion of it states "...an object at rest tends to stay at rest, unless the object is acted upon by an outside force."
Your Fiero has, with the exception of occasionally shoving it about, clearly been in a state of rest for a while now. Strictly speaking, the drivetrain is not in the car at the moment, and may therefore be loosely considered to be an "outside force." However this particular outside force was in no condition to act upon the body at rest the last time I saw it, so why the heck do you need a braking system? ;) ;D :P On the other hand, having a functional parking brake would be rather appropriate, given how much time your car spends parked. ;D Shhh, what's that? Why, I think it's the sound of an angle grinder preparing my headstone! :o Title: Re:Hellooo Tyler G/A Brakes Q? Post by: FieroBUZZ on December 16, 2003, 04:47:03 pm .
Title: Re:Hellooo Tyler G/A Brakes Q? Post by: FieroDough on December 16, 2003, 07:00:41 pm Title: Re:Hellooo Tyler G/A Brakes Q? Post by: 34FieroGT on December 16, 2003, 09:12:06 pm Gary,
They had a bit more bite than the rears, but nothing too bad. At least on the street. Solo2 was a different matter. Either way, it wasn't too bad that an adjustable proportioning valve should have been able to sort it out. I just never got that far. The other thing is that you'll have to be sure that your rear calipers hold the parking brake adjustment. Any slop in the rear brakes will be magnified in the pedal feel using the grand-am brakes up front vs the stock setup. I had also swapped out the master cylinder for a different, recommended unit. I think that it was from a S-10 Blazer, not the full size, but don't quote me on it. |