Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

General => General Chat => Topic started by: FieroBUZZ on December 20, 2003, 07:43:31 am

Title: Going, Going ...Gone?
Post by: FieroBUZZ on December 20, 2003, 07:43:31 am
My internet contract is up in about a week and I haven't decided what to do. I may disappear for a bit so won't be able to answer any post, emails, etc.  If this happens, you know why now.

Dial-up sucks.  :'(

Title: Re:Going, Going ...Gone?
Post by: 2ML67 on December 20, 2003, 08:51:26 am
Now thats just not fair. It just isn't any fun picking on you if you are not here to read about it. If you are not here we will have to find someone else to make fun of.
Now lets see any volunteers. Gary if you do go off you have my number if you need anything.

Title: Re:Going, Going ...Gone?
Post by: JetJumper on December 20, 2003, 09:16:27 am
Gary, sign up with storm :P

Its a high startup cost, but fast service! :D  Thats what this forum is being hosted on.

Title: Re:Going, Going ...Gone?
Post by: dguy on December 25, 2003, 04:34:23 pm
Hey, whassa matter with you?

Here I am in eastern Canada's very own version of Iceland, and I can still get a connection.  The funny part is the dial-up connection speeds kick the tail of what I get from home by a long shot.  At home I get excited when I see 31,200kbps...  Here I'm cruising at 49.something.  :)

Gary if you get this before you find someone else with whom to deal with, check out

Reasonable guy, reasonable rates, and you can "pay as you go"  i.e. no long term contract to get stuck with.