Title: Heading to the U-Pull Post by: Rob on January 05, 2004, 10:07:07 pm Hey People
Im heading to the U-pull in Brighton, Its called Tafts, They dont usualy have fieros but I thought I would give it a look.. They also sell complete engines for around 75 and tranny's for 50 or so.. you gotta pull them though, I will report back tomorrow if I see any that someone may want.. Last time I was there they have a TON of 3.1's and Series one 3.8's but you never know what they will have.. Im looking for a 3.4 or a 2.3 or something that catches my eye! Later; Rob Title: Re:Heading to the U-Pull Post by: Rob on January 06, 2004, 12:29:54 pm Well I didnt find anything I was looking for :( but if anyone is interested, there is quite a few 3.8's and 3.3's and 3.1's and some 2.8's there..
Later; Rob Title: Re:Heading to the U-Pull Post by: GoFast85 on January 08, 2004, 07:50:51 am A Series 1 3.8 for $75?? Dan - can you fit it in the front of 'ol yella' for a 4-wheel drive fiero. Need as much power as possible
Title: Re:Heading to the U-Pull Post by: aaron88 on January 08, 2004, 02:43:51 pm I don't think you need more power Gofast. Those 3.8SC modified motors on PFF are posting most of the fastest 1/4 mile times. A little tweaking and you may be faster than me! And that's fast, the other day I laid a 25 foot patch by accident, I didn't mean to, I was only at 25% throttle! But I couldn't hear the tires spinning without an exhaust and all. I noticed the patch later when I was walking back, both tires, very nice. I was proud like a new father...my first patch.
Aaron . |