Title: Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: aaron88 on January 18, 2004, 07:46:54 pm I was looking at a lot of different cars when I finally decided to buy and convert a Fiero. But I must admit that the Ultima GTR was my first choice that I just couldn’t afford.
What I’m proposing is that if there were enough club members willing to spend $1000 or $2000 on the project then we could have an Ultima GTR for club use. The investors would all own time share in the car. It would be something like every $1000 dollars invested would give you 3 days every summer with the car. I’m not suggesting that all the bugs are worked out in my plan, I’m just trying to see how many people would be willing to part with a grand for three days with this car every year. Or until someone smashes it up. So please reply here or PM if you are thinking its something you are willing to do. Check out the car here. http://www.ultimasports.co.uk/gtr/index.html Aaron . Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: FieroDough on January 19, 2004, 09:02:17 am ??? ::)
Are you serious? Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: aaron88 on January 19, 2004, 09:13:05 am Yes I'm serious.
Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: GoFast85 on January 19, 2004, 09:48:49 am $30,000 and 6 months work partime. Lets see 10 people @ $3,000 each and 60 hours later the car would be completed. Insurance would be a bitch though.
Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: dguy on January 20, 2004, 08:28:52 am Actually Brian that's more like $36,000 at current rates. ;D
Just curious, Aaron: have you looked in to what the total cost of bringing one of those in (in component form--where's the fun in the car arriving in one piece???) including shipping, import fees, any special licencing or inspections, etc.? Insurance was one of the first things I thought of too... group coverage for a supercar and "reasonable rates" likely do not go hand in hand. (especially given how quick the auto insurance industry is to sodomize their clients lately) I'm also curious about the driveability of the thing. I assume that this is a track-only toy? If you want it to be street legal, there's the whole matter of complying with emissions & safety specs. It would certainly be a neat project to build, likely an absolute riot to drive, but the price tag is way outta my reach. Especially when I'm desperately working on putting enough of a down payment aside to make that transition from "tenant" to "owner." ::) Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: aaron88 on January 20, 2004, 10:40:26 am The car drives well and is totally street legal.
It’s a kit car. There are no emissions tests. Insurance will be on a person to person basis, so basically really cheep if you are only driving it a few days a year. The total cost will be about $50 000 Canadian, and we will have to build it, piece by piece. Aaron . Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: GoFast85 on January 21, 2004, 12:51:21 pm Maybe the club needs this then.
http://david.sickmiller.com/pictures/dynslideshow/38/1983 Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: aaron88 on January 21, 2004, 03:37:37 pm I'm not sure that people are taking me seriously. I mean to have access to one of these sometime in the future.
Perhaps I'm seeking the wrong audience. But I really think this could work. Aaron . Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: JetJumper on January 21, 2004, 04:13:16 pm What your asking is far to expensive for this group to handle. From the job you are doing now I bet you are making pretty good coinage there. Whereas this group somepeople are into retirement (AKA Gary! :P I had to pick on you. sorry bud!) $50,000 is a lot of money. There are only like.. 15 people active in this club.. so that would be $3400 EACH Member in order to actually make this work. Thats a lot to ask.
Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: aaron88 on January 21, 2004, 05:52:49 pm I'm not asking, I'm just proposing it to gauge the interest.
Aaron . Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: GoFast85 on January 22, 2004, 07:33:25 am Aaron
You know of one in Canada or just the American distibutor? Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: dguy on January 22, 2004, 07:56:37 am I'm not sure that people are taking me seriously. I mean to have access to one of these sometime in the future. Well I can't speak for others, but I for one am taking you seriously. It all depends upon the timing however. My selfish need to purchase a house comes first. A house with a workshop. ;D Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: GoFast85 on January 22, 2004, 12:58:32 pm Watch the video clips and it will make anyones mouth water.
http://www.ultimasports.co.uk/gtr/videos.html Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: aaron88 on January 27, 2004, 12:55:43 pm I’m salivating just thinking about it.
Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: GoFast85 on February 03, 2004, 04:22:18 pm Better act fast. The price is now $89,000 USD plus the engine and posrche trany.
http://www.ultimacars.com/fra_pricing_ordering.htm Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: GoFast85 on February 03, 2004, 04:32:12 pm One that is already built. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/detail.asp?s=188&i=4479&sc=UPOO
Aaron- how much is 44,900 pounds is cdn dollars? Title: Re:Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: aaron88 on February 03, 2004, 04:50:19 pm There are about 2.5 dollars per pound, but I don't plan on getting a rolling chassis. It seems like a bit of a waist of money to me. They charge way too much to assemble the thing for you. Especially when they say that anyone with a standard tool set can put the car together.
Aaron . Title: Re: Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: dguy on September 17, 2004, 01:33:37 pm Looks like there's an Ultima GTR with a BMW V12 mated to it out in prairie dog land.
click me (http://www.ultimav12.ca/) Title: Re: Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: Fiero_power on September 17, 2004, 05:50:12 pm I saw that too... The video is kinda useless though you just see him taking off and then out of sight. ::)
Title: Re: Ultima GTR for the Club? Post by: fiero308 on October 11, 2004, 12:39:01 pm hi Aaron;
beautiful, awe-inspiring car. I have looked at it a number of times and wish wish wish..... ::) interesting idea but I think you are asking the wrong group, me included, much as I like that car. I base that on the budget approach that got everyone (pretty much) into fieros: people here are ...um... 'economical'. There would be a ton of issues to figure out with ANY group; whether it be us, the BMW club, the jag club, the 'vette club, anyone..... regardless of disposable income too as I am sure you are well aware: a few thoughts: where do you keep it and is that a liability of any sort for anyone?; what happens when someone wants out; (everyone is obligated to buy them out regardless?) what if someone wants IN (everyone gets less time altho I doubt that would come up); Can the group 'vote out' someone? Does someone who puts in $10K (vs the standard $5K, for example) get more 'consideration' for getting their preferred time or simply more time? how happy will someone be who gets it for their 3 rainy days; what happens when it requires maintenance; especially what I might call 'suspicious' maintenance - ie it becomes apparant that a control arm is bent but not 100% sure when it happened; what if it is down while waiting for parts for a month or two; do the people who missed out get reimbursed? (somehow...) what would the car be for, anyway? just driving around or for competition? What if two people with equal shares want if for the same time period or competition....... ; if one person puts 5000 km on it in their time period and someone else puts only 750, are they to pay equally for new tires? (and other wear items-same for brake pads used up in a competition etc) these are things that would come up regardless of the group, and anyone who plugs in their money will want exactly equal treatment, of course. So while I have looked at the car (someone in PFF linked it awhile ago I think) and it is SUPER impressive, I think the bureaucratic and admin work required to 'share' one would become too much and would be nothing but a headache - one of those "i wish i had never gotten into this things".... I don't mean to be so negative but I have been involved in a lot of committee type stuff and it ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ends up being one of these situations; it comes down to a bunch of people squabbling issues and it is best to have these things sorted out before. I wonder if you think about what total cost YOU would have into it and how far that would take YOUR car (or maybe some other kit) - if you are selective and patient you may find a whopper of a deal on a kit somewhere - that is what I am doing; I figured that if I spend a total of something like $15 to $20K on my car, I would end up with a pretty good working machine that goes and stops and handles and still has 'sufficient' creature comforts to make me quite happy. That is my rationale and it is going to have to do. I can't afford the GT40 that I would LOVE to have - at least not until that totally non existant relative passes on....... ::) but I love looking at cars like that - it gives me ideas....... and it is nice that you come up with the idea for the club...... |