Title: Online calculator Post by: GoFast85 on March 02, 2004, 07:29:49 am An online calculator for 1/4 times and top speed and other info.
http://robrobinette.com/et.htm Title: Re:Online calculator Post by: aaron88 on March 02, 2004, 09:59:50 am So basically 100 hp = one second
or 600 lb = one second or maybe you want to go with +50 hp and - 300 lb. This is looking like a realy viable solution to many peoples delema. Makes you think twice about what you want to do with your car? Now I don't look so odd for hacking out 3 lb components. It all adds up. Aaron . Title: Re:Online calculator Post by: GoFast85 on March 02, 2004, 12:20:59 pm With a 75 shot before the Blower my calculated top end is 184 mph. I am starting to get shivers already.