Title: MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: 34FieroGT on March 02, 2004, 05:57:16 pm Everyone,
The MCO is planning on holding an instructional lapping day on July 2nd this summer. Last year's organizer is requesting all interested parties to contact him regarding their interest in attending. His email is as follows: Quote Subject: Hello Lappers The MCO Winter Driving Schools will be over soon, and summer is not that far away. The planning has already started on the MCO Instructional Lapping Day for 2004. We have secured Friday July 2nd at Shannonville, which leads into MCO's Ted Powell Summer Trophy Race Weekend. Most of the people that helped me last year have already volunteered for 2004. I have not crunched the numbers yet, but should be able to hold the line on costs, and still give you more than enough track time. More details will be available towards the end of March, but I do not see any major changes. What I need to know from everyone that participated last year, is whether you and friends are interested in this years Lapping Day, hopefully by early March. Bennett Leckie Organizer MCO Lapping Day 2004 H 613-258-0348 Email leckierb@magma.ca As the email states, the costs should be close to what they were last year. As I recall, it was about $150 for the day. Anyone interested should contact Bennett at the address specified in his email. I had an absolute blast at this event last year and am planning on attending again. Pictures from last year can be found in the gallery at the following location: http://www.fierodrivers.com/forum/gallery/view_album.php?set_albumName=smp1 You can also read up on my experiences from last year: http://www.fierodrivers.com/forum/index.php?board=9;action=display;threadid=631 Hope to see you there! Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: aaron88 on March 02, 2004, 07:08:25 pm Would they let me on the track with my northstar?
How early March are we talking here, my car may not be ready. Aaron . Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: GoFast85 on March 03, 2004, 07:28:08 am Hoping that my ride will be ready by then.
Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: 34FieroGT on March 03, 2004, 08:06:08 am Aaron,
The track day is actually scheduled for July 2nd, so you should have plenty of time to get your car ready! ;D Bennett is just looking for people to contact him regarding their interest in attending by early March. I can't see why they wouldn't let you on the track with the N*. There is a minor technical/safety inspection that all cars must pass before they will be allowed on track. It's mainly just to ensure that the car will hold up. As long as the car is good condition mechanically, you shouldn't have a problem. Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: GoFast85 on March 03, 2004, 09:50:15 am Where do I pay my money ::)
Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: 34FieroGT on March 03, 2004, 05:23:08 pm Contact Bennett to inform him of your interest. This event is still in the planning stages but will more than likely take place. They ran out of spots last year before the cutoff date. Payments will more than likely start getting collected starting in April. You'll have to contact Bennett to be sure.
Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: GoFast85 on March 04, 2004, 09:40:58 am I got website 404
http://www.mco.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1548 What is the e-mail address for Bennett? Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: 34FieroGT on March 04, 2004, 10:54:25 am Bennett's email address can be found in the first post of this topic... ;D
To save you a bit of time, I've included it with this reply: leckierb@magma.ca Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: GoFast85 on March 04, 2004, 12:52:07 pm I must be going blind. A good canidate for lap day :o
Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: dguy on March 06, 2004, 09:26:15 am Stupid question: what is "MCO"?
Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: 34FieroGT on March 06, 2004, 12:08:03 pm Don Guy: There's no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers... ;D
MCO: Motorsport Club of Ottawa -> www.mco.org Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: dguy on March 08, 2004, 08:49:20 am Thanks Tyler.
I sent a number of questions off to Bennett over the weekend. For all who are interested but haven't got up off their butts and e-mailed him, he said that details for the event should be posted at http://www.mco.org/ some time after their next Executive meeting on March 16th. Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: 34FieroGT on April 05, 2004, 08:33:43 am Guys,
Due to internal politics in the MCO, Bennett has asked me to request everyone who is interested in this lapping day to attend the MCO's monthly general meeting this Tuesday. The meeting details can be found here: http://www.mco.org/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2558 The issue is as follows: The lapping day is a prelude to an entire weekend of racing, and the road racers don't want us to have the friday for lapping. They would rather have the friday for testing. Bennett would appreciate any and all support possible at the meeting this Tuesday (April 6th) to convince the MCO executive and event organizers to give us the day for lapping. Hope to see you there! Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: dguy on April 05, 2004, 09:39:33 am Nuts. 7pm + meeting + an hour's driving each way + 5:00am wake-up call on wednesday = can't make it.
If anyone else is going tomorrow night, mind voicing my support by proxy? ;D Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: 34FieroGT on May 06, 2004, 10:22:19 am This event is a go! You can read up on the details at:
http://www.mco.org/school/lappingschool.htm The cutoff date for the early bird registration is rapidly approaching. If you're planning on attending this event, make sure that you get your payment in before May 15th. Hope to see you there! Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: dguy on May 07, 2004, 09:08:18 am H-rated tires or better? Nuts. There goes that idea. :(
Title: Re:MCO Instructional Lapping Day Post by: GoFast85 on May 07, 2004, 09:42:56 am Z rated are only an extra $50 each so spurge and save your life.