Title: New website proposal Post by: FieroMan on September 01, 2002, 02:44:35 pm I am proposing a new look for the main website of our club. Please vote for what you think is the best of representing our fiero club.
Thanks Here is my proposed website http://members.rogers.com/bdaous5530/ (http://members.rogers.com/bdaous5530/) Title: Re:New website proposal Post by: FieroBUZZ on September 01, 2002, 02:53:55 pm Both are fine to me. I must say I'm not really a big fan of frames and real bright colours and shit all over. But then I'm an old fart.
At the speed I get on, you have lots of time to compose that new opera or whatever. ;D What's the story on the dash? I forget how the SE is different. Do you just need the little hole for the aux guages filled in? |