Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

General => General Chat => Topic started by: FieroDough on September 03, 2002, 08:46:02 am

Title: has the list gone dead???
Post by: FieroDough on September 03, 2002, 08:46:02 am
Were are you guys?!?!?!

I need a friend  :'(  hehehe


Title: Re:has the list gone dead???
Post by: FieroBUZZ on September 03, 2002, 09:21:47 am
I think it's just that time of year.  I know I'm up to my ass is stuff that has to be done before the weather gets nasty.

All the local boards look the same.


PS find a girlfriend.

Title: Re:has the list gone dead???
Post by: fiero1 on September 03, 2002, 10:09:03 am
I would say Garry i right as for myself im trying to spend as much time with my grandson as possible spending as much time outdoors as possible, days are getting shorter that'a a downer @ just the though of what's around the corner wheather wise yuk...........I hate the cold.Im pondering lattly if i should sell my gt next spring @ try to pick a descent Fiero convert.....Oh well i the next 6 months to make a decision.Also im trying on my spare time to what i can suggest  i may get shot for this but hear goes what would you think of everyone pitching $100 in a pot next year for different club activities we now have 29 members well it"s up to you guys..........  

Title: Re:has the list gone dead???
Post by: FieroDough on September 03, 2002, 03:04:32 pm
I suggested the same thing, $100 each and I get a new Fiero!  :-*

Hehe! :)  

maybe $100 is steep though. I'm gonan give a few bucks to Gary for the stickers. (He payed for them out of pocket)
Even though he won't be my girlfriend.  :-* heheh!


Title: Re:has the list gone dead???
Post by: fiero1 on September 03, 2002, 11:05:17 pm
Chris was mentioning next summer to head for the U.S.  for the 20th anniversary of the Fiero 29 members or possibly more by next summer x $100ea.  in the pot would probaby cover some of our expensives.....just a thought.  

Title: Re:has the list gone dead???
Post by: Sentinel on September 06, 2002, 12:30:59 am
Hey Eric I have dips on the 100 donations, thats why I started this bloody thing, oh was that out loud. Things are slowing down , I am aiming for an end of summer bash for everyone, details, suggestions welcome, but the last couple mail had nada response, so that'll be it for this summer, next year I hope to be far more organized, and damn sure it will be biggger and better.