Title: Buick 3.8L? Post by: heheheha on May 30, 2004, 10:50:46 pm I read somewhere a while ago that a company is buidling Buick's old GNX 3.8L blocks in aluminum, boreable up to 4"....would this fit in a Fiero? I assume it would, since the N* fits..
Title: Re: Buick 3.8L? Post by: Sentinel on May 31, 2004, 02:08:24 pm anything is doable, just depends ease of swap level you are looking at. I haven't heard any details in regards to this one, but there was a recent thread on Pennocks listing all the different swaps.
Title: Re: Buick 3.8L? Post by: Rob on June 01, 2004, 10:26:48 am V8 Archie, down states side used to supply a kit that would allow you to swap one of the turbo motors into the car. Its a BOP bellhousing pattern, so you would need to make your own adapter to bold it up to the tranny.
Later; Title: Re: Buick 3.8L? Post by: 2ML67 on June 01, 2004, 08:16:51 pm Wouldn't you be much better off using the newer l67 3800 super charged engine. It is more reliable and more available. Plus it is a transverse engine so no tranny mounting problems. Dan