Title: Is my fiero too Ricey? Post by: FieroDough on September 08, 2002, 04:54:04 pm (http://ftp://yourat.myftpsite.net/fiero/rice_fiero.jpg)
humm.. picture not loading, try this link. ftp://yourat.myftpsite.net/fiero/rice_fiero.jpg Title: Re:Is my fiero too Ricey? Post by: FieroBUZZ on September 08, 2002, 07:54:09 pm LOL !!!!
Hey, you gotta get sponsors where you can. BTW it's not as bad as some of your shirts ;D j/k Title: Re:Is my fiero too Ricey? Post by: FieroDough on September 09, 2002, 10:25:53 am hey! :o My shirts are an extension of my personality. :P ;D
Title: Re:Is my fiero too Ricey? Post by: Sentinel on September 11, 2002, 08:06:40 pm Yeah, but but can it be ready to go In just 5 minutes?(different rice I know
I like Dough's shirts, I think they have a certain style that reeks of sophistication, youthful exuberence, charisma and taste, plus they resemble the vast majority of my wardobe. Or was that the add for my deordorant. |