Title: Blown a Fuse Post by: dustyrds on July 13, 2004, 06:53:02 pm Hey All,
As most of you know, My 86 GT caught fire in May 2002. Since then I have put a lot of time and money trying to get it back in to shape and I am almost done! ;D My one main problem is that when I have my stereo connected I blow my 20amp fuse for my tail lights. Does any one know why this is happening?!! Any help at all would be appreciated!! Title: Re: Blown a Fuse Post by: c-l on July 13, 2004, 07:36:59 pm Try this:
Disconect your radio. Remove the fuse (in the fuse block) that is identified to feed the radio Place a voltmeter between your radio connector power pin and a good chasis ground, you should read zero volts, if you have a voltage reading (12v) you have a short somewhere probably under your dash. If you do read zero voltage (and ONLY if you read zero voltage), leave your meter connected as above (power pin / chassis) but switch your meter to the lowest ohms scale, you should read infinite resistance. Now these are only standard electrical principles, the voltage will work for sure but the ohms test may show a different reading if devices other that the radio are connected in parrallel within the circuit. Since I do not have the fiero's wiring schematic, I can not certify that the reading should really be "infinite" resistance. |