Title: Pontiac - 2 seater car - back this fall !!! Post by: c-l on August 25, 2004, 01:19:06 pm Before anyone starts hyperventilating, read on: No it's not a plastic car :( No it's not a space tube frame :( No it's not even mid-engine :( Hell, it's not a Fiero >:( It's a solstice. Reading through some of those documents, I saw that the "target" sales for the car is 30,000 units a year ??? Did they not kill the Fiero for better sales performance that this :'( Pontiac... What are you doing ? You just missed the best opportunity you had to bring back our dream car... All you had to do is touch up the `89 Fiero model to look a little bit more modern, slap in a turbocharged & intercooled 4.9 liter engine and price the whole package under 20K canadian (including shipping and taxes) and, you know what Pontiac, I certainly would have ordered 2 or 3 of those cars ;D ;D ;D Here are a few links: http://www.pontiac.com/fuelingzone/index.jsp?brand=home&pagename=home http://www.edmunds.com/future/2006/pontiac/solstice/100380124/preview.html http://www.edmunds.com/news/autoshow/articles/100916/page043.html http://www.edmunds.com/news/autoshows/articles/48583/page009.html http://www.autointell.net/nao_companies/general_motors/pontiac/pontiac-solstice/pontiac-solstice-02.htm http://www.autointell.net/nao_companies/general_motors/pontiac/pontiac-soltice-2004/pontiac-solstice-2004.htm Title: Re: Pontiac - 2 seater car - back this fall !!! Post by: WillEV on August 25, 2004, 02:54:56 pm . At 2,860 pounds, the Solstice is no lightweight. Pontiac claims the new 170-horsepower, 2.4-liter variable-valve version of the Ecotec DOHC four-cylinder engine is enough to move it from zero to 60 mph in just over seven seconds
only 170hp geee they could have added more power than that. Title: Re: Pontiac - 2 seater car - back this fall !!! Post by: aaron88 on August 25, 2004, 05:22:02 pm Northstar powered Fiero, 0 - 100 km/h in 4.5 seconds. nuf sead.
Not as new or flashy though. Title: Re: Pontiac - 2 seater car - back this fall !!! Post by: Gizmo on August 25, 2004, 07:07:54 pm *cough*pos*cough*......lotus elise/opel speedster ;D
Title: Re: Pontiac - 2 seater car - back this fall !!! Post by: GoFast88 on August 26, 2004, 09:43:25 am 375 hp NOS equiped Supercharged 3.8 --- 100 mph in under 10 seconds --- or so they claim ;)
Title: Re: Pontiac - 2 seater car - back this fall !!! Post by: Kitten on August 26, 2004, 03:58:25 pm well at least it's rear wheel drive and manual transmission... it is nice to look at though... at least I think so...