Title: Bad E-mails Post by: 2ML67 on August 29, 2004, 11:10:28 am Recieved an e-mail from some one supposedly being a rep from Ferrari responding to my questions about gauges nice ass whole that he was. Had an attachment so I opened it big mistake, within in seconds my computer froze up and would not shut off had to unplug it. Took two days to get it working again a buddy of mine had to completely reload windows and I lost all my documents. I guess Ferrari is full of jerks that take their jobs way too serious. Dan
Title: Re: Bad E-mails Post by: Fiero_power on August 29, 2004, 04:51:46 pm If you remeber his email or come across it again send it to me and I'll send him some good viruses that I created in school..
Give him a taste of his own medicine... ;D Joe Title: Re: Bad E-mails Post by: lercs on August 29, 2004, 05:12:06 pm hey its not him, new viruses can send emails from people who dont even know they have the virus, so he isnt trying to screw you or anything