Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

General => General Chat => Topic started by: Rob on September 07, 2004, 08:44:38 pm

Title: Oil Pressure Q?
Post by: Rob on September 07, 2004, 08:44:38 pm
Hey Since my engine Knocks when Its warm, and above 2krpm, Im wondering a few things..

When I look into the Oil Fill Hole, shouldnt I see some oil in the Head? Even At Idle? It would seem that No oil is making it to the top of my engine. actualy when I rev it up... a little dribbles out into the heads.. but shouldnt I have a fair amount being pumped up there?

So could my knock be a oil pump problem? or possibley a pluged oil gallery? This Car was in storage for 4 or 5 years! Im just trying to solve any cheap fixes before I decided what to do...

Thanks; Rob

Title: Re: Oil Pressure Q?
Post by: dguy on September 08, 2004, 08:23:42 am
Knocking usually indicates worn rod and/or crank bearings.  Worn bearings will also contribute to low oil pressure, as the oil is more interested in escaping back to the pan via the spaces between the worn bearings than it is in flowing up through those pesky galleys.

On the other hand, poor oil distribution will prematurely wear out the bearings mentioned above.  :)  Sounds to me like it's time to pop the oil pan and inspect the pump & crank.