Title: Hull Sightings Post by: fiero1 on September 23, 2002, 10:57:29 pm :)Seen 2 today one that i beleive could be an 85 gold GT @white with a 4 cylinder same as Chris.....Do we have anything to put on windsheilds when these are spotted??
Title: Re:Hull Sightings Post by: Sentinel on April 26, 2003, 06:30:53 pm yeah I think I have some hanging around, although I have lost my free printing shop,errrrr my last job so I may have to dish out some $$$ to get new ones or if anyone wishes I can email them the flyer for printing.
Title: Re:Hull Sightings Post by: fiero1 on April 28, 2003, 12:07:34 pm If anyone has a copy i can run a few photocopies ;D