Title: Pilot talks plane through its paces Post by: dguy on November 08, 2004, 11:38:20 am Original article here (http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/OttawaSun/News/2004/11/08/705117.html).
Mon, November 8, 2004 Pilot talks plane through its paces By Sun TORONTO -- Aeronautical researchers have managed to fly a plane using only voice commands from a pilot in another aircraft. The guidance system allows a pilot in one plane to guide a separate, unmanned airplane with English commands. In a test flight, the pilotless craft, called an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), responded to sudden course changes and avoided unexpected threats en route to its destination. "The system allows the pilot to interface with the UAV at a high level -- not just, 'turn right, turn left' but 'fly to this region and perform this task,' " said Mario Valenti, a flight controls engineer for Boeing. The system is designed for combat situations. =========================== Now the useless trivia question: how many people will understand if I mention that one of the first thoughts through my head after reading this was "think Russian"? ;D Title: Re: Pilot talks plane through its paces Post by: aaron88 on November 08, 2004, 02:14:22 pm The US military is paying big bucks these days for unmanned military transports and artificial intelligence.
Try to imagine what will happen to a supper power (the only supper power we have left in the world) if they can wild military might without risking lives. Why do you think the Americans are opposed to war? It’s not because they might stomp out a few lives, it’s because they don’t want the risk their own. How much do you think the American people would get behind a military campaign if the government could say that the guaranty the will be no American loss of life. All of a sudden the people don’t care so much because everyone they know is going to be fine. Aaron . Title: Re: Pilot talks plane through its paces Post by: Kitten on November 08, 2004, 03:31:24 pm hmmm... unmanned miltary equiment..... A.I. ..... suddenly scenes from T3 are popping into my head.