Title: What's the speed of electricity? Post by: dguy on November 22, 2004, 10:06:08 am Japanese electric car hits 370km/h, ~4 seconds for 0-100km/h accel, and has a 320km range per charge.
(http://img.drive.com.au/drive_images/Editorial/2004/11/12/12elec_leadimage_400x192.jpg) Interesting read. Click me (http://www.drive.com.au/editorial/article.aspx?id=8762&vf=4&bg=1&pp=0) for the article. Title: Re: What's the speed of electricity? Post by: aaron88 on November 22, 2004, 12:35:14 pm At $400 000 I think I'll wait for the price to go down an little.
Aaron . |