Title: Wishing a happy new year Post by: 2ML67 on December 31, 2004, 10:17:52 am Hope every one has a safe and happy new year and remember Gary to make a resolution to finish your car in 2005 some how that is if you can remember how to put it all back together. I am making mine a day early and getting rid of this lousy AOL service provider so I will be gone for a few days till I get something else up and running.
A thought for us crazy power hungry drivers just how much power is too much. Thinking this as I was talking to machinist yesterday and looking at Brian's nice little nitros kit today. Dan Title: Re: Wishing a happy new year Post by: FieroBUZZ on December 31, 2004, 10:32:02 am Yep, Happy New Year to everyone. O0
I don't have the foggiest notion where all the parts are, let alone how they go together. I think I might get rid of the internet all together so I have to work on the car. Hopefully 2005 doesn't suck as bad as 2004. The warm weather has pointed out a leak in my roof though. :( Title: Re: Wishing a happy new year Post by: raunchy on December 31, 2004, 10:39:45 am Oh!! that cold porcelain toilet bowl is gonna feel so good on my forehead tomorrow...hahaha...J/K ;D
Happy new year everybody!! Title: Re: Wishing a happy new year Post by: fiero308 on December 31, 2004, 11:59:55 am Yeah lets make sure everyone makes it thru the next 12 to 24 hours...... it is probably one of the scariest times of the yr to be out on the roads; icy, dark, drunks coming at you..... Hmmmm.
think about that..... So as I say to my 'young un' ; it isn't HIS driving I am worried about; it is the GOONS who are out there (and they are!) who are the dangerous ones. So be careful everyone and watch out. and have a really Happy New Year! Let s get some of those fiero projects on the road this yr! EDIT: and THAT is MY major new years resolution. LOTS to do. Let's get started!! Happy 2005 Everyone! ;D |