Title: 3800 SC (finally) Post by: lacelles on January 24, 2005, 01:59:29 pm Yes
I finally found a 3800SC wreck car with everything. Got the car delivered to my place Saturday. 1997 Buick Park Avenue Ultra (110,000KM). ;D Everything is running but the car is badly damage. But nothing was touch in front. My Fiero will not be out this summer, but in summer 2006. :( I already talk with DAN and he will be doing my wiring and more... Before putting anything to sell on eBay I'm offering the Ottawa Fiero club member the first pick on my engine parts. I am parting out the engine in my GT (1987 GT V6), so everything is for sell, starter, alternator (new), heads, intake, manifold and ... . (Make me an offer). Title: Re: 3800 SC (finally) Post by: lercs on January 24, 2005, 10:08:51 pm anyone else notice the wheel looks completly untouched?
Title: Re: 3800 SC (finally) Post by: lacelles on January 25, 2005, 06:55:44 am The dash board took all the hit.
Title: Re: 3800 SC (finally) Post by: Joe Fieroshop on January 25, 2005, 10:05:18 am If any one is looking for a 3800 Supercharges series III with tranny I may have one.
Joe |