Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

General => General Chat => Topic started by: 2ML67 on February 04, 2005, 05:14:18 pm

Title: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: 2ML67 on February 04, 2005, 05:14:18 pm
Finally got around to putting my extra Fiero on the road and man is it ever slow. I had forgotten just how slow the Duke really is even with a 4.10 tranny. Definetely do not like the 2500 rpm 80kmh either. May have to do some sort of swap on this one as well just to be able to tolerate driving her. Only good thing I can think of about the car is that unlike Gary's it at least runs and can move under its own power. Sorr Gary. Dan 

Title: Re: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: Rob on February 05, 2005, 12:57:11 pm
possibley that 5 speed ecotech swap in the near future?

Title: Re: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: lercs on February 05, 2005, 02:56:01 pm
you dont know slow till you drive a 1985 lecar

yes that was my previous car.. and man, you couldnt beat a person who didnt know you were racing..

Title: Re: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: 2ML67 on February 11, 2005, 07:59:53 pm
Ok I now admit putting another standard tranny Fiero on the road was a mistake. Drove Fiero to Peterborough today and came to conclusion either make into auto or sell. Thats the worst my back has hurt in a long time. What a shame as I was considering using a 5 speed with my 3800SC. Dan

Title: Re: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: 2ML67 on March 10, 2005, 08:35:53 pm
Found quick solution to slow 4cyl Fiero, sold it yesterday. Now time to work on next one. Dan

Title: Re: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: GoFast88 on March 11, 2005, 07:59:57 am
sounds like cash in pocket for the next big project

Title: Re: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: dguy on March 11, 2005, 08:05:19 am
Found quick solution to slow 4cyl Fiero, sold it yesterday. Now time to work on next one.

Was that the one which left you with a towing bill last weekend, or a different one?

Title: Re: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: 2ML67 on March 11, 2005, 08:47:08 am
Thats the one lousy fuel pump. Guy that bought it wants me to do a 3800SC swap into it for him this summer. Just wants to drive it for a while to get use to it then wants more power. If this keeps up those 3800SC's are going to start getting harder to find. Dan

Title: Re: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: Fiero_power on March 18, 2005, 02:34:49 pm
They might be slow but mine has been pretty much problem free.  Bought the car 7 years ago for $1600 and it been great and I drive mine all year round.  260 000kms and still going strong.


Title: Re: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: aaron88 on March 18, 2005, 03:55:15 pm
slow and going strong? isn't that an oximoron?

depends on preception?

Title: Re: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: Fiero_power on March 18, 2005, 06:04:23 pm
It depends on "PERCEPTION".

It goes as strong as it ever did. ;D

Title: Re: 4 cyl's suck
Post by: 2ML67 on March 19, 2005, 07:06:12 pm
Go away once and for all, just finished fixing it for the buyer. Hose connecting fuel pump to metal line let go. Definetely not my favourite thing to do on a Fiero, those fuel tanks can be a bitch. Either way its back up and running and he is happy with it again. Dan