Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

General => General Chat => Topic started by: JetJumper on October 02, 2002, 06:22:12 pm

Title: WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: JetJumper on October 02, 2002, 06:22:12 pm
Website Hosting

It looks like we have 2 options....$25/month or for something that we can't even support right now, $10

So really, If everyone chipped in a certian amount to cover $25/month it will work out.    Now, the club is up to how many people who are willing to pay this is unknown.  With the $25/month though, each member will have their own E-Mail account with the address we pick.  I will discuss it more on the 26th.  I looks like all you people (Specially the "OLD" guys don't want to do anything fun, like Karting  :'(, So pick a restarant that you wish to eat at.  Maybe back to the first one we had for the meeting.  Can't remember the name of the joint but, let me know!

Title: Re:WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: Gizmo on October 02, 2002, 08:32:11 pm
We need to have a earlier meeting.  We seem to have too many lows...anyone have anything planned this coming Monday?  Okay, so lets meet at Hooters in Bells Corners at 6pm on 7th!

Concerning the site, I have some ideas, no paid hosting but located on a dedicated box on a dedicated line.  Same as Chris suggested, we all get email addresses and websites all under a domain.  What do you guys want for a name?  Costs will be next to minimal, so there won't be a need for member dues...which is a bonus!

Anyways, I'm up for some fun, karting could be interesting  :D  We can do something next week maybe.....come on we're a club arn't we?

Title: Re:WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: JetJumper on October 02, 2002, 10:06:18 pm
Most likey I can make it for the 7th (Monday)  6 pM sounds good too...  Also Nick did you read my private msg I sent to you, It is about this current Setup.  I want to try out PHPNUKE.  Read the msg and get back to me  
I think clicking this link will work for you to get to your Private MSG section;action=im

If not, click the top

PS, We could chat this sunday, because there is another SOLO II!

Title: Re:WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: Gizmo on October 02, 2002, 10:34:05 pm
Grrr...and again as last solo, I'm working  :'(
Tomorrow arrive over 500 pairs of skis, few hundred bindings and boots as well as some snowboard and cross crountry stuff.

Tomorrow was to be my day off but...arg!!  Taking Friday and Saturday off, doubt I can do Sunday as someone has to open.  But, if I can I'll make it!

Title: Re:WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: JetJumper on October 03, 2002, 09:34:24 pm
Ok, MONDAY (THIS ONE COMING) go to HOOTERS at 6:00PM!  I will probably be there, NICK SO must you!!!   ERIC?  GARY? ANYONE!?

Title: Re:WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: fiero1 on October 04, 2002, 07:31:02 am
Hi Chris i can't make it's impossible for me to attend these things during the week

Title: Re:WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: FieroDough on October 04, 2002, 08:11:44 am
I dunno if the GT will be ready. :(  I need hinges for the drivers side door. (not just the pins).

If she is, I am there! She will look soooooo sweet!!!!


Title: Re:WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: JetJumper on October 04, 2002, 08:19:10 am
did you get it painteD?

Title: Re:WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: JetJumper on October 04, 2002, 08:22:31 am

HAve a look at it, Once I figure out how to implement the Forum database into it, that will be the new look for the site.  And me or nick (Cause he gets admin now too) can update it when possible!

Title: Re:WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: Boy-z on October 04, 2002, 09:25:25 am
Hi Guy's I have seen your post for Hooter's on Monday at six, If there are some people going I will be there it is my last day off so I will keep an eye on the site to make sure someone is going .

Title: Re:WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: Gizmo on October 04, 2002, 12:38:46 pm
Their calling for rain Monday, so I'm not sure.  I'll keep my eyes and ears open but I'll leave it up to Chris to make the judgement call Sunday at the solo.  Can you handle that Chris  ;D

Title: Re:WEBSITE/Membership fee's?
Post by: JetJumper on October 05, 2002, 06:42:35 pm
There is supposed to be a nice day tomorrow, So I think I will be heading to the SOLO II, as for monday....Rain...but I think I will still show up