Title: Somewhere passed Almonte? Post by: aaron88 on February 08, 2005, 03:03:42 pm Who is the person down Hwy. 29 passed Almont with the six Fiero’s in the driveway. I seem to recall something about “Copper Kettle”.
Aaron . Title: Re: Somewhere passed Almonte? Post by: FieroBUZZ on February 08, 2005, 09:56:52 pm That's Nick's place (Gizmo). They are all huddled around the brand new garage.
Copper Kettle is his parent's restaurant.... Bad Food..Warm Beer. ;D Classic Title: Re: Somewhere passed Almonte? Post by: Kitten on February 09, 2005, 09:35:51 am hmmm... do I sense a spot that could be could for a "unscheduled" fiero gtg ;D