Title: Paging Aaron88 Post by: cowans on March 14, 2005, 03:37:53 pm Aaron, never heard back from you on the license film. lost your tel#, You can contact me 7:30>3:30 (M-F) 781-9653.
thanks, Sandy Title: Re: Paging Aaron88 Post by: aaron88 on March 15, 2005, 06:18:14 pm The plate is done I’ve just been having some problems with getting up in the morning. It’s been some time since I’ve not been in a rush in the morning. But with temperatures getting warmer I should make an attempt to visit you one morning soon.
Aaron . Title: Re: Paging Aaron88 Post by: cowans on March 16, 2005, 02:51:29 pm looks great Aaron!!! I'll await your call....
thanks, Sandy Title: Re: Paging Aaron88 Post by: cowans on March 28, 2005, 09:04:24 am Hello.....oooooooo Aaron! Any chance of connecting up....soon? call me,
Sandy Title: Re: Paging Aaron88 Post by: aaron88 on March 28, 2005, 11:18:36 am I'm working on it. But me and the mornings are in a huge battle right now.
If you want to call me at work look up Seagrave Fire Apparatus Co. in Carleton Place. Title: Re: Paging Aaron88 Post by: cowans on March 29, 2005, 11:41:29 am received it today... looks GREAT!!! Thanks Aaron
Sandy Title: Re: Paging Aaron88 Post by: cowans on April 18, 2005, 08:52:08 am Hey Aaron, judging by the comments of people viewing this mod, I'd say that you have a business! Are you interested??? If so, what kind of sale price would I suggest to prospective buyers?
thanks, Sandy Title: Re: Paging Aaron88 Post by: FieroBUZZ on April 18, 2005, 09:25:38 am Unlike England where you can have your numbers made up any old way as long as certain materials are used, I doubt that those are legal in Ontario.
Title: Re: Paging Aaron88 Post by: cowans on April 18, 2005, 10:10:07 am HA! Is anything 'legal' in Ontario??? Seriously, I carry my front plate around just in case of 'that cop' with his nose out of joint! I had one guy at a gas station wanting to know how I 'bent' my plate to fit the spoiler!!! Some people with the Miata group are interested!
Sandy Title: Re: Paging Aaron88 Post by: aaron88 on April 18, 2005, 11:37:14 am I spoke to police about this mod.
Although they said the mod may not be legal because it’s not an actual metal plate, they also said that if I did get a ticket, the case would likely be thrown of court by the judge, because the plate is just as visible (if not more) than the original. Moreover none of the officers said that they would give me a ticket for such a mod. They actually said that they really liked it and that it was highly visible. But all of the officers that I spoke to didn’t know if it was actually illegal, the way I did it. So in almost every case the police wouldn’t even know if the ticket they were issuing was actually valid. Officers don’t like to look bad so even if they strongly objected (which they shouldn’t) you wouldn’t get a ticket. Or at least you wouldn’t get one that would stick (like the pun). (I’m having pun with words) (somebody stop me) Aaron . Title: Re: Paging Aaron88 Post by: FieroBUZZ on April 18, 2005, 01:24:14 pm Actually, they don't care how they look! Giving a ticket, and going to court, means overtime into their pocket. The fact that they may not 'win' doesn't really come into play. That's why the same officers will give out noise violation or 'too low' tickets repeatedly to the same guys. They may win one some day....
Some officers may care but the majority don't give a rip. |