Title: Rota Tarmac Rims & Tires Post by: Slammed Fiero on April 01, 2005, 05:11:56 pm Rota Tarmac Rims 17x7.5" with Kuhomo Ecstas 215/45/17's . These rims were on my Impreza RS new last summer
$750 for the whole set. Located in Kingston. The rims are Gun metal. I am unable to post pics from work due to Firewalls and such , but they should be easy to find Online. Title: Re: Rota Tarmac Rims & Tires Post by: FieroBUZZ on April 01, 2005, 05:39:35 pm Something like this, I assume.
Anyone unsure to do business with JM, he has a big thumbs up from me. He was nice enough to chuck in a bunch of extras with my coilover springs. Title: Re: Rota Tarmac Rims & Tires Post by: aaron88 on April 05, 2005, 04:27:47 pm Offset's and bolt patern and hub size are helpful to some
Title: Re: Rota Tarmac Rims & Tires Post by: Slammed Fiero on April 07, 2005, 04:41:52 pm SOLD.