Title: looking for good garage for 85se fiero Post by: seniorsfiero85 on April 07, 2005, 08:27:01 pm new to forum, posting for father.
He is looking for a garage that has expereince with Fieros. Has a black 85se fiero, low kms, automatic drives for half hour and cuts out. He's been to a few places, no luck at solving the problem. any suggestions Ottawa area Title: Re: looking for good garage for 85se fiero Post by: FieroBUZZ on April 08, 2005, 06:16:20 am Hi welcome to our little spot. 8)
I'm the early bird, so I'll get some questions in. First where do you need a garage? (city, west, south, east, QC side?) Now, is the car a 4 cylinder or v-6? Also a bit more detail on it's behaviour. Does it stall completely or just enter a stuttery, shuddering phase under acceleration? Also does it light up the 'Check Engine Light', if so, it should store a code to indicate what the problem is. The automatic has a fairly common fault. The torque converter clutch (TCC) fails and the symptoms are as follows. After hiway driving the car stalls at a stop and typically will stall again when put into drive. This can be diagnosed by disconecting the TCC to see if the fault disappears. The TCC locks the torque converter on the hiway for better mileage. Driving with it undone won't hurt the car but may lessen mileage. It is inside the tranny case so, it needs to be fixed with the tranny apart. Other problems are electrical due to heat in the engine compartment. Coils and ignition modules are the main culprit, especially on a v-6. I'm sure we could scare up a known good module to test. If it's bad use a GM (AC Delco) one as they seem to last longer. Let us know a bit more. BTW, is this the black one in Lanark? Gary Title: Re: looking for good garage for 85se fiero Post by: seniorsfiero85 on April 08, 2005, 07:52:32 am Hello Gary thanks for the welcome.
He's about 40 miles north of ottawa ( Que side ). The car is a v6, stalls completely no stutter at stop, wait 15 seconds starts. Engine light comes on. Brought to garege on Aylmer road last year, cost $700.00, problem still there. Both coil and ignition module have been replaced ( New ). fuel injectors also replaced This car was the one on Woodroffe ave approx 9ys ago, on the Q side now, at his cottage, Ontario plates. Bob Title: Re: looking for good garage for 85se fiero Post by: GoFast88 on April 08, 2005, 07:56:06 am If the engine light comes on, then there is a fault code stored in the ECM
Title: Re: looking for good garage for 85se fiero Post by: Rob on April 08, 2005, 04:20:52 pm I would suggest a new fuel pump and filter.. I bet that would fix er
Title: Re: looking for good garage for 85se fiero Post by: The-Jeff on April 22, 2005, 05:27:19 pm I have almost the same question. I am about to purchase a Feiro, and need to find a good place to get it saftied and serviced down the line. Who do people recomend?
I live in the West end of Ottawa, Nepeon, but I will drive around if it means getting a beter person looking at my car. Title: Re: looking for good garage for 85se fiero Post by: 34FieroGT on April 22, 2005, 06:15:25 pm The only place that I would recommend is Power Automotive. Owner's name is David Power, phone number is 566-3335. It's the only place that I take my fiero for jobs that I'm unable or unwilling to tackle on my own. He's a machinist by trade, but is also a fully licensed mechanic. He's located right at the corner of Bronson and Chamberlain, just across from the Drummonds Gas station. I've been dealing with him since 1997 or so, when I first got my fiero. Just mention that Tyler Wood recommended him, if you decide to call. Good luck!
Title: Re: looking for good garage for 85se fiero Post by: FieroBUZZ on April 22, 2005, 06:19:44 pm I would recomend having someone who knows the cars to have a look at it.
Gizmo (Nick) and dguy (Don) both do their own work and have seen the good and ugly things that crop up. They also know what is an easy fix and what will run into money to set straight. You could pm them to see if they're interested in helping. Fieros are one of those places that you absolutely should buy the best car that you can afford. It's tempting to try that fix me up special, but it gets frustrating real fast. Normal safety can be done anywhere you trust. There are some quirks that outsiders would not catch, and some mechanics are reluctant to even look at them. Don't know why, as they are quite straight forward in design. I hate to say it, but I had an emergency fix done at the Canadian Tire in Kanata and was impressed by the tech. I don't remember his name, but he had done a complete rebuild of a Fiero (maybe a year and a half ago). If you could get that particular guy you'd be okay. Power Automotive is a good one. He is at the bottom of the offramp coming off the 417E onto Bronson. Turn right and it's on the left side of the street in the same block. You'll go past it the first time. The Drummond Gas bar means you've gone too far. Title: Re: looking for good garage for 85se fiero Post by: dguy on April 26, 2005, 09:00:01 am Gizmo (Nick) and dguy (Don) both do their own work and have seen the good and ugly things that crop up. Ah ha! Now I know why my ears were burning on my way home Friday afternoon. ;) Quote They also know what is an easy fix and what will run into money to set straight. You could pm them to see if they're interested in helping. Thanks for the vote of confidence Gary! ...and yes I'd be glad to help anyone out. Quote Normal safety can be done anywhere you trust. This is a big one. My worst fear about shops & these cars are the coolant tubes vs. four-arm hoists. The few times I've had either of our cars in to an unfamiliar shop, I've made certain that either the mechanic knows about them, or have checked the placement of the hoist arms myself before they lifted the car. Title: Re: looking for good garage for 85se fiero Post by: aaron88 on April 26, 2005, 06:27:02 pm My worst fear about shops & these cars are the coolant tubes vs. four-arm hoists. The few times I've had either of our cars in to an unfamiliar shop, I've made certain that either the mechanic knows about them, or have checked the placement of the hoist arms myself before they lifted the car. Very good point and well worth noting! |