Title: Just a Note from That Guy (2ML67) Post by: FieroBUZZ on April 10, 2005, 09:21:21 am Got a nice, unexpected phone call from Dan yesterday. Smarty-pants wanted to know he was in the midst of a photo shoot. It seems that almost all of the 'kids' were home visiting. Left his driveway full......
3 Fieros (at least), a Bonneville, a Pontiac 600, and a new blue Foo-rarri 355. All with that funny motor in them somewhere. :-[ It would appear that he now has a good percentage of the club as hostage at his house. O0 O0 Title: Re: Just a Note from That Guy (2ML67) Post by: GoFast88 on April 11, 2005, 07:52:49 am The county will be upping his taxes as he is now a bonifyed "Parking Lot" ;D