Title: 1986 Front fender Post by: Missfiero on May 08, 2005, 09:20:49 pm Sometimes it does not pay to get up in the morning. I just took delivery on an immaculate 86 GT and as the Ministry dictates an inspection was required and passed with flying colors. I am leaving via the parking lot and as I am putting on my seatbelt I am hit in the front fender.
I am looking for a front fender, passenger side and a side light for a 1986 GT. Any suggestions? Have already said a prayer... Thanks to all Title: Re: 1986 Front fender Post by: FieroBUZZ on May 09, 2005, 01:41:09 pm If you are local, I can probably help. I have an 86 GT (repaint black) with some damage on the bottom mounting tab. Also have an 86SE (faded original gold) fender with ribbed trim. The trim strip from the black one can be swapped over, otherwise they are identical.
Gary Title: Re: 1986 Front fender Post by: MissFieroh on May 09, 2005, 07:57:33 pm Hi Gary
Thank you for your message. How can you help? I am in Orleans, although the vehicle is presently in Laval awaiting an alignment. what do you propose? Thanks Susan |