Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

Buy/Sell/Trade => Parts => Topic started by: fiero308 on May 31, 2005, 05:07:44 pm

Title: Urgently needed! One cradle 'sleeve' (pic attached)
Post by: fiero308 on May 31, 2005, 05:07:44 pm
dunno where the other one went (but I could guess.......)
so now I urgently need ONE of these guys........
It is the bottom plate of the rear cradle bushing; 84-87 altho they are all the same I THINK(?)

don't really want to make one altho I suppose if I have to I will.
email or PM or post here; THANKS!!!

Title: Re: Urgently needed! One cradle 'sleeve' (pic attached)
Post by: fiero308 on May 31, 2005, 09:32:27 pm
well according to some well informed sources I might need THREE plates.........

One lower one as pictured and two top ones - note that I am not putting pix up of them........   :-[

I can't figure out why they have that "OVAL" hole in them tho'.......
gotta be a reason but it sure doesn't jump out at you  ???

Title: Re: Urgently needed! One cradle 'sleeve' (pic attached)
Post by: aaron88 on June 01, 2005, 02:30:26 pm
Solid mount it

Title: Re: Urgently needed! One cradle 'sleeve' (pic attached)
Post by: fiero308 on June 01, 2005, 03:30:38 pm
actually that is exactly what I am looking into right now; dropped off my new poly cradle bushings AND a nice big stick of aluminum at the M/C shop this AM; he is going to see what it would take to make up alum bushings.

On that note....... and on the WAY outside track here.........
if anyone locally (incl Toronto and Kingston and Montreal etc etc) is interested in a set of alum bushings then I can ask what is the cost of another set.

Might make up a few sets and put them on Ebay or whatever.
