Title: Metallic Purple Notchback Post by: dguy on June 07, 2005, 11:30:54 am In the parking lot of the Loeb near King Edward & Rideau yesterday, 3:30-3:45pm or so.
Had the upside-down & cut aero nose dam installed below the original front bumper, dual-bulb fog/driving lights installed in the dam, with a few cracks near the driver's side fog light. Title: Re: Metallic Purple Notchback Post by: GoFast88 on June 07, 2005, 12:07:44 pm You had better not be caseing out cars in a parking lot. Some bystander might figure that you are trying to scoop it. :o
Title: Re: Metallic Purple Notchback Post by: dguy on June 07, 2005, 12:57:55 pm Casing indeed! I noted everything described above in the five seconds or so it took to drive past. ;D