Title: LF: A/C Condenser Post by: dguy on August 10, 2005, 08:31:36 am Anyone have one of these in their parts bin, or attached to an a/c-equipped car for which they have no intention of ever repairing/using?
Union Auto Parts in Fallowfield apparently has one which they said they would pull & pressure test for me yesterday, but the return phone call with the results of the test never came... Only other (local) lot with Fiero parts is Ed's, and they have NFC whether either of the cars has a/c components or not. ::) Title: Re: LF: A/C Condenser Post by: Gizmo on August 10, 2005, 09:56:58 am I was at Ed's last week, they don't have a/c.
Title: Re: LF: A/C Condenser Post by: 2ML67 on August 10, 2005, 10:02:25 am You should have taken a better look in my parts sheds. Dan
Title: Re: LF: A/C Condenser Post by: dguy on August 10, 2005, 10:48:32 am You should have taken a better look in my parts sheds. Figures... I didn't know I needed one until yesterday. ::) Finished the R-134a retrofit late last week, and took the car in to have the system charged yesterday morning. It's not enough of a leak to show any motion on an a/c gauge set, but an electronic sniffer did a stellar imitation of R2D2 when waved around the front of the condenser. A little bit of soapy water sprayed around, and look at all the pretty bubbles! What's it worth to you? New ones via GM or The Fiero Store are about $350; Union thinks theirs is worth $75. I was at Ed's last week, they don't have a/c. Well that saves me a trip then--thanks! O0 |