Title: Falken Tires Post by: 87GT on November 24, 2005, 12:16:25 pm I recently installed Falken FK451 unidirectional tires on an '87 GT (225 / 45 R17 front, 245 / 40 R18 rear).
While seat of the pants performance improved, tread / road noise is quite high. Surprisingly though, steering effort at parking speeds is down. If you're looking for quiet at highway speeds, my observation is that the Falken tires may not be for you. Title: Re: Falken Tires Post by: GoFast88 on November 24, 2005, 02:54:53 pm I have found that my 17's are a real rough ride as well. I would assume that that holds true of most 17's 18's etc. as compared to 15's or 14's on the Fiero.
Title: Re: Falken Tires Post by: aaron88 on November 24, 2005, 04:05:41 pm I recently installed Falken FK451 unidirectional tires on an '87 GT (225 / 45 R17 front, 245 / 40 R18 rear). While seat of the pants performance improved, tread / road noise is quite high. Surprisingly though, steering effort at parking speeds is down. If you're looking for quiet at highway speeds, my observation is that the Falken tires may not be for you. Kind of a side note but you would have better performance control with 205 on the front. Aaron . |