Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

Off Topic => Other => Topic started by: Bradtholomew on June 12, 2006, 10:57:46 pm

Title: Anyone hiring in Ottawa?
Post by: Bradtholomew on June 12, 2006, 10:57:46 pm
I'm heading up on Wednesday to look for a job, does anyone know of any places hiring?  I'm mostly looking for engineering jobs (got my degree in Mech eng), and would prefer something with an engineering company, but I'm getting kinda desperate now and need something!  Any ideas of where to look?


Title: Re: Anyone hiring in Ottawa?
Post by: MacPhail on June 12, 2006, 11:16:26 pm
Stop in Brockville with your resume and apply at Maple Leaf Environmental Equipment (   Address your letter to Bruce Lounsbury (

Not sure if they are hiring, but they are a growing company (use to work for them).  Bruce and Robert Kennedy (P. Eng's from Queen's) are very smart guys.

Cheers, Derek

Title: Re: Anyone hiring in Ottawa?
Post by: Bradtholomew on June 12, 2006, 11:25:49 pm
Hmm, that place looks really good.  Thanks Derek...


Title: Re: Anyone hiring in Ottawa?
Post by: lacelles on June 13, 2006, 07:24:44 am
Hi Brad

I work for Service Canada, and this is a very good site for job search


Title: Re: Anyone hiring in Ottawa?
Post by: Bradtholomew on June 13, 2006, 04:57:19 pm
Ah cool, my dad works for them too!  I'm searching for new stuff at that site a few times a week, it's not too bad for engineering jobs.  The problem is for the dozens and dozens of jobs I apply to online, I've heard back from one... and that was back in March. 


Title: Re: Anyone hiring in Ottawa?
Post by: dguy on June 14, 2006, 08:11:19 am
The problem is for the dozens and dozens of jobs I apply to online, I've heard back from one... and that was back in March. 

FYI...  online job applications are mainly resource-stacking on the part of the employer.  Your application is likely screened electronically, and if not turfed it is then dumped in to a big ol' bit bucket along with a few hundred other electronic applications.  In most cases your application becomes a needle in a haystack.

You'll have a much better chance of getting noticed if you find a warm body to use as your "in".