Title: Looking for: Cavalier Z24 (v6) digital Gauge with connectors Post by: lacelles on October 19, 2006, 11:33:44 am Hi
This is my winter project I need the digital instrument cluster with the connectors and approx. 6inch of wiring from a Z24 (v6) automatic cavalier (85-87) . Also the temp sensor. Anyone???? Title: Re: Looking for: Cavalier Z24 (v6) digital Gauge with connectors Post by: FieroBUZZ on October 19, 2006, 12:46:37 pm Stephane: Try these guys ;)
http://www.j-body.com/community/ (http://www.j-body.com/community/) Title: Re: Looking for: Cavalier Z24 (v6) digital Gauge with connectors Post by: lacelles on October 19, 2006, 12:51:37 pm Stephane: Try these guys ;) http://www.j-body.com/community/ (http://www.j-body.com/community/) Nothing on that site but i'm also looking on V6Z24.com Title: Re: Looking for: Cavalier Z24 (v6) digital Gauge with connectors Post by: 2ML67 on October 19, 2006, 01:25:32 pm I am planning on doing a wreckers run tomorrow if the rain holds off so I will see if I can find one. Normally I am agianst such queer looking parts in a Fiero but since its a frenchmans car, ah who cares. Dan
Title: Re: Looking for: Cavalier Z24 (v6) digital Gauge with connectors Post by: lacelles on October 19, 2006, 02:07:05 pm I am planning on doing a wreckers run tomorrow if the rain holds off so I will see if I can find one. Let me know if you find one.... Quote Normally I am agianst such queer looking parts in a Fiero but since its a frenchmans car, ah who cares. Dan ;D ::) ;) Title: Re: Looking for: Cavalier Z24 (v6) digital Gauge with connectors Post by: 2ML67 on October 21, 2006, 07:16:30 pm Found an 88 Beretta with a digital dash but it looks different than the cavalier one. Dan
Title: Re: Looking for: Cavalier Z24 (v6) digital Gauge with connectors Post by: FieroBUZZ on October 21, 2006, 07:22:59 pm Quad 4 or v-6? I think the basics are the same if it is a six cyl guage pack.
Title: Re: Looking for: Cavalier Z24 (v6) digital Gauge with connectors Post by: lacelles on October 23, 2006, 01:38:17 pm Thanks,
found one on the V6Z24.com forum... O0 |