Title: New James Bond Movie Post by: MacPhail on December 09, 2006, 01:41:00 am Went and saw Casino Royale this evening and I have to say that this is perhaps THE BEST James Bond movie ever.
Tough, gritty and absent of silly gadgets, Daniel Craig and the people behind the new movie have breathed much needed life into a franchise that was previously waiting for a doctor to pronounce as dead. Two thumbs up for Daniel Craig, the directors/producers and a kuddos to Chris Cornell for perhaps one of the best Bond movie theme songs. Cheers, Derek Title: Re: New James Bond Movie Post by: dguy on December 10, 2006, 07:37:22 am Y'know I don't think I've heard any negative comments about this film yet. Gonna have to get out and see it once we are closer to having all our stuff moved...
Title: Re: New James Bond Movie Post by: Sock Rocker on December 11, 2006, 04:48:53 pm BEing A HUGE Bond fan Naturally I saw Casino Royale opening night and despite the the rumors that daniel Craig was gonna Blow as Bond all i have to say is see the movie, besides some continuation prolems in the movie their was only one key fact that was over looked or possibly avoided was that in the Book Casino Royale James Bond actually Marries Vesper Lynd (Eva Green) which actually Mentioned BY Rodger Moore in THe Spy Who LOved Me instead in the movie Bond Just says he loves her.
All in All BEst bond Since Connery Title: Re: New James Bond Movie Post by: dguy on December 30, 2006, 07:08:13 am Gonna have to get out and see it once we are closer to having all our stuff moved... Finally saw it a couple of nights ago... excellent. Low on glitter, high on action & tension. 't is a nice change from the Pierce Brosnan "Bond". Title: Re: New James Bond Movie Post by: FieroBUZZ on December 30, 2006, 08:51:21 am f you enjoy James Bond books, you should find the one about Merlin Minshall. It's a first person account of his exploits in the years leading up to WW2. Not all related to espionage, but just stuff he got involved in as a devil may care adventurer.
He was a ladies man, raced in the Mille Miglia, many rallies, trekked the Sahara in a car to prove it could be done, sailed down the Danube in a house boat making notes for the British government. He writes in a very humourous fashion, rather than fact after fact, and leaves just enough out to fire your imagination on what actually happened. During the war he worked with Ian Fleming. It's said that Fleming got his inspiration for Bond from his stories. Title: Re: New James Bond Movie Post by: MacPhail on December 30, 2006, 11:13:38 am I may have to find a copy to read during my 8 hour lay over in Philly this month (wife made a little error in booking our flights...8 hours in Philly?!?!?!). ???
Cheers, Derek Title: Re: New James Bond Movie Post by: FieroBUZZ on December 30, 2006, 11:19:41 am The named of the book is "Guilt-Edged" by Merlin Minshall. I had it in paperback at one time. It may be hard to find today.