Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

General => Mods => Topic started by: lacelles on January 11, 2007, 10:32:35 am

Title: LF Info: HUD in a fiero
Post by: lacelles on January 11, 2007, 10:32:35 am
First for your info, my Cavalier Digital Cluster is 98% complete, just need to get the plexi glass done and fix the dimmer switch.  O0

Now, because my project finished earlier, I'm interested maybe in installing HUD (head's up display)  ;D in my Fiero.

Any info on HUD?
From what car should I take it from?
BTW I have one from the wreck 97 PA Ultra that I bought...

Anything I should be aware for some HUD?

Any info would be really appreciated.


Title: Re: LF Info: HUD in a fiero
Post by: 2ML67 on January 11, 2007, 11:41:19 am
There was a guy on Pennocks selling cheap little hud systems. problem with the ones from other vehicles is the windshield is specially made in that one small area to make the hud visible with out being all blurry, that and the GM one is fairly large and would be hard to fit into the dash.
In my opinion I would not instal one into a Fiero, the one that was in my Bonneville SSEi worked nice but you could barely see it during the day and at night found it distracted my view of the road especially on dark roads without street lights. Dan

Title: Re: LF Info: HUD in a fiero
Post by: lacelles on January 11, 2007, 12:39:45 pm
There was a guy on Pennocks selling cheap little hud systems. problem with the ones from other vehicles is the windshield is specially made in that one small area to make the hud visible with out being all blurry, that and the GM one is fairly large and would be hard to fit into the dash.
In my opinion I would not instal one into a Fiero, the one that was in my Bonneville SSEi worked nice but you could barely see it during the day and at night found it distracted my view of the road especially on dark roads without street lights. Dan

Thanks Dan

This is the link on pennocks

PM sent to him.


Title: Re: LF Info: HUD in a fiero
Post by: JetJumper on January 11, 2007, 11:48:18 pm
I was thinking about doing this as well, but more or less with a computer, and a LCD Screen.  Not for movies, but take for instance, GPS with a map HUD.  And then have a switch to turn the LCD on and off, so that if its in the way, you turn it off.  Best way to do it, is FibreGlass a 7" screen or so, into the dash so it looks pretty, then replace one of the switches on the console with the on off for the LCD.  then have a mini computer (either a mac mini) or a Via Board running underneth the dash.  You get a 12V -> 12V Car Powersupply designed for this, and it will start the computer, and stop it automatically when you turn the car on or off.

Title: Re: LF Info: HUD in a fiero
Post by: JetJumper on January 11, 2007, 11:49:26 pm
Its either that, or get a 7" Touch Screen and have it mounted facing you on the dash. (Or steering wheel :O)

Title: Re: LF Info: HUD in a fiero
Post by: lacelles on January 12, 2007, 11:04:09 am
Thanks for the feebacks.  ;)

I will try the 97 Park avenue Ultra one, and see what it looks like.