Title: Racetech Garage sale starting this Saturday Jan. 20th Post by: Joe Fieroshop on January 18, 2007, 04:19:38 pm I will be having a all Fiero Garage sale here at Racetech starting this saturday Jan. 20 th and every Saturday after.... i'll be selling everything and anything that is Fiero... for example: 4 and 5 speed tranny's while quantay last, fenders, hoods, headlight motors, interior peaces, spoilers, Fastback clip and so on.. you need to ask what your looking for and maybe I might have that one thing???? I'll have to see what I have that is new, like sensors and or switches, marker light and stuff... I'm opened from 10 am to 3 pm every Saturday... Come in and see what I have, I may have that one rim or a set with tires?
Thanks Joe |