Title: 1984 fiero lost intrest Post by: steveo on February 11, 2007, 06:38:14 pm lt was sun roof car put hard top on. put g.t. front on it with a matching hood other than that it is stock. 4 cyl. 4 speed been in the family since new needs the parts that were put on painted as they are white and the car is red.inside is mint any offers located in thorold thanks; should be able to drive it home if we put the battery in.
Title: Re: 1984 fiero lost intrest Post by: steveo on February 19, 2007, 01:04:07 pm with some tlc you would have one good car
Title: Re: 1984 fiero lost intrest Post by: dguy on February 19, 2007, 02:13:35 pm Just a thought, since Thorold is a long haul for most people here--have you tried posting this on the GTA group's forum (http://gtafieroclub.suddenlaunch2.com/index.cgi)?