Title: Turbo Kits Post by: JetJumper on August 08, 2007, 11:02:05 pm Hey,
Any of you guys heard about these kits? http://www.cartuning.ca I think its what I am going to go with, just wondering if anyone has heard anything about them Title: Re: Turbo Kits Post by: dguy on August 09, 2007, 07:44:20 am Who? ???
You want to go stick, I think? If so I'd be cautious about purchasing a kit intended for FWD automagics. While the blower and associated hardware would be useful, I suspect that you'd have to mutilate or discard much of the exhaust in favour of custom routing in order to clear the shifter cables. Their kit also includes a PCM. So you just threw money at a PCM programmed for a GTP, which you're going to have to send out to get re-programmed again to deal with the swap itself. ::) Purchasing a kit then hacking it up (IMO) doesn't get you anywhere that purchasing the components separately wouldn't, and with less overall hassle. Title: Re: Turbo Kits Post by: aaron88 on August 09, 2007, 10:55:06 am half the parts in that kit you can't use.
Title: Re: Turbo Kits Post by: JetJumper on August 09, 2007, 03:15:59 pm well, they offer customer kits for different cars, so if I do go to buy one, I would just get the parts I can use. Turbo + Intercooler + Manifolds, then I can weld my own piping. I am not worried about that.
Title: Re: Turbo Kits Post by: Joe Fieroshop on November 18, 2007, 12:29:49 pm I've work with Kevin on building the first Grand Prix turbo kit 4 years ago. He got the idea from my when I built a 3800 into a 93 Cavalier Z24 and then shortly after I turboed the engine. Cartuning was the one that flashed the PCM for me and since then I helped to develop some other kits for other cars and trucks. Your correct that most if the hard parts can't be used but it's not to difficult to make the rest your self. I'll be making my own for my personal car some time over the winter.
joe |