Title: EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: FieroDough on July 13, 2002, 10:36:25 am Hey guys! need lotsa help ASAP.
Went to CTC to change my tranny, engine mounts for the SOLO event. Mount bolts got cross threaded and it's gonna cost $$$$ to fix. Anyone willing to help TODAY (SATURDAY) ASAP for a auto to 5spd issuzu swapp on my GT? I got all the parts needed. Just need an engine hoist and a few hands to help! I really don't want to go to our next meet in my VW GOLF! EEEK! call my cell, 613-851-6366 PS: I HAVE BEER! cheers! Eric Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: Tonker on July 13, 2002, 02:24:10 pm Eric,
Tried calling your cell but, "The cellular customer [was] calling is currently unavailable..." If all you need is some unskilled (and I mean really unskilled) labour then I'm available. My cell is 613-850-7288. Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: FieroDough on July 14, 2002, 10:53:06 am thanks to all those who helped. :) like all Fiero "mods" there are some snags! we were delayed because one of the vertical bolts is seized in the bushing. :( We try to pry it out and it wiggles and bounces in the rubber. :( still trying to figure that out. :)
I will come to the solo II to watch. *sigh* in my VW Golf. Cheers! Eric Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: Sentinel on August 17, 2002, 12:59:00 am Oh sure now I find the info DOHHHHH ::)
If any of you have ever had trouble getting these dog-gone forward cradle bolts out .... I have found the answer for 84-87 Fieros. A small (mini) air die grinder and a 4" abrasive cut off saw. Prop up the front of the cradle with some stands and cut the bolt on both sides of the cradle between the mounting ears. Down comes the cradle !!! I finally got tired of fighting these things and had to find a better way ! By the way, GM still carries cradle bolts. They are part numbers 11505584 and 15677731 and the lock nuts are part number 11516073 Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: FieroBUZZ on August 17, 2002, 07:27:59 am Most excellent. I whacked mine to get the spare cradle out and needed to know what bolts fit. Good timing, I was just thinking about refinishing the cradle and putting my new 2.8 on it.