Title: Two on the weekend Post by: dguy on September 04, 2007, 08:46:36 am Saturday, ~11am or so. Parked on the shoulder & all alone on the 417 eastbound between Woodroffe & Pinecrest. Maroon or dark red fastback with grey ground f/x.
Sunday, noon-ish. The last house on the west end of Hazeldean Rd. had a red bumperpad notchie in the driveway. Wasn't there on our return trip at 5pm or so. Title: Re: Two on the weekend Post by: lacelles on September 04, 2007, 10:07:01 am Saturday, ~11am or so. Parked on the shoulder & all alone on the 417 eastbound between Woodroffe & Pinecrest. Maroon or dark red fastback with grey ground f/x. not mine :D |