Title: 1986 Gt Fiero Post by: girl Dawn on September 26, 2007, 08:46:19 pm I am getting to old to get in and out of my 86GT Fiero. It is in great shape,bright yellow with 93,000 kms on it. I hope to get at least $4500.00 Canadian for it. Is that reasonable?
Title: Re: 1986 Gt Fiero Post by: JetJumper on September 26, 2007, 11:17:04 pm Little high I would say, since you can get a good condition car with a 3800SC in it for that price.
Just my thoughts. you MIGHT get $2500 or so is my opinion. Title: Re: 1986 Gt Fiero Post by: CKappa on September 27, 2007, 12:48:35 am Wow i wish i lived where u guys are lol an 87 gt with a rebuilt 2.8 motor with 50,000 k sells here for like 8 grand and 86 gts sell for like 4-6 with original klicks lol
Title: Re: 1986 Gt Fiero Post by: Kitten on September 27, 2007, 09:18:37 am If you can store it over the winter you will get more for it in the spring. Prices are hit and miss depending on who's looking.
Given the low km's, and depending on the shape of the rest of the car.... rust spots in the usual locations, shape of the interior, condition of the paint and a few other things... you could probably get anywhere from 2000 to 5000 for it. Title: Re: 1986 Gt Fiero Post by: can machine on September 27, 2007, 07:40:32 pm I agree with kitten. If it is good original shape and you are willing to sit on it for a while, you could get that price.