Title: Fiero Birth Post by: Sentinel on February 09, 2003, 11:25:31 pm Me thinks you might want to check out the updated picture section, there is a series of birth picutres there ,and not the ichy type on Discovery channel, pics are provided courtesy of Robert Holtz from CFOG-I and Michigan Fiero Club
Enjoy http://members.rogers.com/ottawafiero/pictures.html Title: Re:Fiero Birth Post by: Kevin on February 10, 2003, 08:37:15 pm Those are neat Steve. Do you have the Gary Witzenburg Fiero book?, it has a few of those pics and many more and goes into great details about the Fiero's birth, development and the brains behind it.
Title: Re:Fiero Birth Post by: Sentinel on February 10, 2003, 11:15:17 pm Yeah sitting next to me as we speak, er, type, great book, Gary can't make it to the 20th though as he'll be in South America, but there will be some really cool other additions to the show..... GM will be sending 2 Carriers of proto cars to the show, included isthe real Indy pace car, 90 proto, 4 seater, 4 door, twin turbo , 1st ever proto,and who know's what else