Title: FS: 1994 Honda VF750C Magna Post by: dguy on May 29, 2008, 06:56:58 am (http://www.ott-motorcycles.ca/gallery/435_28_05_08_4_02_45.jpg) (http://www.ott-motorcycles.ca/index.php?action=gallery;su=user;u=435;cat=33) (click photo to see entire gallery) 1994 Honda VF750C Magna ~62,000km Cruiser styling with V4 smoothness and power. Includes:
Available with one, the other, or both of the following seating options. Seats & associated hardware can be changed in under 15 minutes:
Asking $4,250 with the inclusion of one seat only. Add $375 to make both seats yours. |