Title: Viper Alarm System Post by: lacelles on June 03, 2008, 07:14:49 am Well Thumb up for my VIPER alarm system in my Fiero, Monday morning around 1AM, someone open the door of my Fiero, parked right beside my bedroom window. What a surprise, my alarm started woke up the full neighbourhood, but nothing was stolen... Ran outside, but he was long gone...
I called the cops just to report that someone is going around in the neighbourhood, looking into cars. O0 O0 O0 Title: Re: Viper Alarm System Post by: f499 on June 03, 2008, 07:45:15 am Great news for the alarm. It sucks knowing somebody is looking at your goods parked outside. I hope the clown comes by Saturday...14 or so Fieros waiting for him! Although, he'll have to deal with the owners this time >:D
Very hot and muggy for Fri-Sat. Hopefully the thundershowers will hold off. Nadine and I are looking forward to the party. Get the pool ready! 8) F499 Title: Re: Viper Alarm System Post by: lacelles on June 03, 2008, 07:54:46 am Get the pool ready! 8) F499 Sorry, I'm one of those people that lost the pool with all of that snow >:( >:( >:( So no pool this year. |