Title: Lookin for a car Post by: CaddyRob on February 21, 2003, 01:23:43 pm If anyone knows of any of the following for sale, can you please contact me?
Beretta GTZ - 5-speed Grand Am early 90's 5-speed olds Calais early 90s 5-speed olds cutlass supreme international early 90's 5-speed Some may be able to guess what Im looking for! If you see any let me know PLEASE!! Later; Rob Title: Re:Lookin for a car Post by: FieroDough on February 22, 2003, 08:02:54 am a 4speed tranny? ;D
Title: Re:Lookin for a car Post by: FieroBUZZ on February 22, 2003, 09:15:28 am If you have some spare time try the Quebec version of Autotrader.
http://www.occasion.ca/ao/section/section.asp?rubno=4000&sid=18SDRJC14674068 (http://www.occasion.ca/ao/section/section.asp?rubno=4000&sid=18SDRJC14674068) Just enter the Make and model and do a quick search. At one time I think Jonathan McCreary (slammedfiero on Pennock's) had a Getrag 284 (or 282, I forget which is FWD) in Kingston. You might email him, he's into autocrossing and may have a source. I assume you just need the tranny......... Title: Re:Lookin for a car Post by: CaddyRob on February 22, 2003, 10:23:16 am Im looking for the complete car, I just require that they have that 5-speed in them. I could find the tranny by itself no problem its what is attached to it that Im looking for!
Later; Title: Re:Lookin for a car Post by: FieroBUZZ on February 22, 2003, 12:04:42 pm Well, I thought the Calais would be a quad 4 and the Cutlass a 3.4 DOHC
If you are going quad 4, I think one of the new 4 cyls from a Cav or Sunfire would be nice as well. There's a Northstar in the parts section of the eastern ont Auto Trader. Title: Re:Lookin for a car Post by: CaddyRob on February 22, 2003, 01:57:18 pm There is a few years where certain Cutlass' have the quad 4. That is what im going for. I htink my best bet right now will probley be to find a Grand Am GT with the HO quad. If I can in the next few weeks then thats going to be my little project from now til finished.. The 3.4 after researching it, just isnt a durable enough engine. I can handle replacing some Head gaskets on a 4cyl.
Later; Rob Title: Re:Lookin for a car Post by: fiero308 on February 22, 2003, 07:56:40 pm hi Rob
sent you a PM; saw a couple of things that might be of interest to you. Title: Re:Lookin for a car Post by: Fieroflyer on February 23, 2003, 07:46:37 am If using the HO quad 4 becareful they are also known for eating heads as well as head gaskets. Would reccomend rebuilding completely first especially those cheap timing chain tensioners that make so much noise.