Title: Wanted: v6 complete distributor assembly Post by: Kaydubya on October 05, 2010, 06:56:53 am Hello all,
a couple of weeks ago after sitting around (I know it is a crime) for over a month, I went to start my '87 v6 gt coupe and she wouldn't start for me. She turns over great, and there is a smell of gas and I can hear the fuel pump priming itself so I am pretty sure shes getting gas. I originally thought it was the ignition coil (as there seemed to be no spark). I replaced it and still no spark. So I am hoping that it is the ignition module or the actual distributor. Does anyone have a complete assembly that is known to be good that I can buy? (either with or without the cap/wiper. The best email address for me is my work email - classicgraphics@magma.ca thanks Kevin Title: Re: Wanted: v6 complete distributor assembly Post by: aaron88 on October 07, 2010, 04:24:12 pm You should be able to test if there is a signal going into the distributor. If you have spark going in but not out then it's the distributor. If you have no spark at all then the problem is from before that point.
There should be a complete troubleshoot guide in the service manual. If you don't have one you can download a .pdf copy of one from some guy on PFF. I'll try to find the link. http://www.fieronews.net/fusion/downloads.php It's under Section 6D (engine electrical) Good luck, Aaron . |