Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

Buy/Sell/Trade => Parts => Topic started by: jonracine on May 16, 2011, 10:53:24 am

Title: Looking for an '84 Distributor
Post by: jonracine on May 16, 2011, 10:53:24 am
Hi Everyone.

I'm looking to try and resolve an electrical challenge in my 84 Fiero.
Since re-timing the distributor it's started missing some of the time and I suspect the Distributor/Cap is the issue.

Does anyone have a spare Distributor for the '84 Duke that I could borrow?
If it solves the firing problem I'll buy, but I'm not excited to spend the cash without knowing if that is the issue.


Title: Re: Looking for an '84 Distributor
Post by: FieroBUZZ on May 17, 2011, 10:51:25 am
U Pull ( has an 84.  Distributors are less than $20 for electronic, less than $15 for non-electronic.  I believe it is still on the car.  engine has just over 100k and seems very clean. plug wires $.29

Title: Re: Looking for an '84 Distributor
Post by: jonracine on May 17, 2011, 02:31:45 pm
That's a great site.
Haven't had a chance to call them yet - but they have Fiero's in the lot?

Regardless, it's nice to know about another u-pull lot in Ottawa.


Title: Re: Looking for an '84 Distributor
Post by: FieroBUZZ on May 17, 2011, 07:43:26 pm
The 84 was there Saturday. No guarantee when they drag it away.  The inventory is always changing with a half row or row every week shifting.

They won't tell you what they have on the phone.  You need to go and look for what you want.  The cars are all raised on 2 welded rims so you can get under.  The lot is gravel. Aside from puddles, not too bad to work in.  Assuming you've brought the right tools.  No grinders or torches allowed.  Gas tanks are punctured and cats cut off.

The Fiero has been mauled (Dutch13?  ^-^ I believe) but still has a good cradle and some other bits.  It's been there a while, so I think it will be gone soon.  The engine was very clean and a low miler.  The head is probably good as well.

I think it was a trade in on the govt retire your ride program.